Wednesday, July 27, 2011

day 3

Well day three has come and gone. I now know that I am getting a little bit stronger by the day, but today, I think has been one of my weakest. My kids are fighting a lot and my baby didn't sleep good last night and didn't want to fall asleep tonight. This keeps getting harder and harder, but I hold my head high and keep walking forward hoping each and everyday gets easier. My husband and I are emailing back and forth and he is having it rough as well. Let's just say, i'm glad that he can bite his tongue with certain people because I wouldn't hold back! I'm not the girl that allows people to pick on or bully me anymore. I am better than that. Anyway..... I am really thankful for all the wonderful support that me and my kids have. I have one friend (she knows who she is) who has called me to see if i'm okay and writes to me all the time everyday. I love her and how much she cares. I know who my true friends are. Anyway. Enough with this blog for the night, more importanly, i need to email my husband.

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